


Foam Roofing System

Foam roofing is a great option for property owners that want to protect their building and stop their roof from leaking.

The Most Effective Process For Foam Roofing

If you are the owner of a commercial building and you are looking for some extra roof protection, foam roofing may be the perfect solution for you. Foam roofing is a great option for property owners that want to protect their building and stop their roof from leaking. This extra layer of insulation is a great choice for ensuring that your roof is insulated properly and protected from any potential leaks.

Protecting many high-value buildings across the United States, foam roofing is an option that many property owners choose to have installed. It adds an extra layer of protection to a roof and protects it against things like rain, water, and the sun.

Some aspects of this system that you may want to know about include:

Conklin Spray Foam Roofing System
At Mast's Top Choice Roofing, we utilize the Conklin Spray Foam Roofing System when we apply foam roofing to commercial building roofs. This system that we utilize is a simple process for applying polyurethane foam for roof insulation.

With this system, our professionals use reliable equipment to make the process quick, accurate, and seamless every time while providing even coats over the top of each roof. If you are interested in the entire process that we follow, you can continue to the next section below.

Foam Roofing Process Video

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Our Process

When it comes to foam roofing, our professionals here at Mast's Top Choice Roofing install the Conklin Spray Foam Roofing System. The system is simple and something that our team is experienced with when it comes to the application on commercial buildings.

The steps in this process that we follow for each roof include:

  1. Apply 2.8# Polyurethane Roof Foam
  2. Apply Liquid Base Coat
  3. Apply Final Top Coat

With these few steps, you can see that the process is simple and quick. If you are searching for that extra layer of protection, this is a great investment that comes with a variety of benefits.

Benefits Of This System

When it comes to foam roofing using the Conklin Spray Foam Roofing System, there are many benefits that you will gain from using this system. Firstly, the installation is very simple and easy to do, provided that you have a professional with the proper equipment doing the work. Since the process is so easy to do, there will be little to no disruption to the daily routine of the facility. As a foam base, this process is highly flexible when it comes to roof types as it can conform to all roof shapes. It is also easy to maintain, being capable of lasting over 50 years.

Foam roofing is also very energy efficient. It allows the perfect insulation barrier for things like air and moisture. Heat will have a hard time entering during the hotter seasons, and a difficult time entering during the colder seasons, which will save on energy costs. According to a study done by Texas A&M University, they have been able to reduce maintenance and energy costs greatly. From the years 1980 to 1984, they had a total of $327,460 on annual energy savings between their protected campus buildings.

If you are looking for a way to have a seamless and waterproof roof, this is the perfect option. This process will fill gaps, cracks, and seams on any roof using liquid foam.

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